Think Like A King® has created a complete
scholastic chess curriculum of seven interactive
tutorials that will help your children become
better chess players and better thinkers
- and allow you to create a culture at home
where successful thinking is seen as the
key to a successful life.
The Chess Workouts© are the
teaching arm of the Think Like A King®
system. Written by experts at teaching chess
to children, the Workouts take the work
out of learning chess as lessons and puzzles
actually come to life on the interactive
chessboard. These interactive 'digital textbooks'
are for everyone from reading-aged children
to adults - so the entire family can join
in the learning.
Individually, each Workout CD addresses
thinking in a different part of the game and has the content of a complete chess book:
Tactical, Checkmate, Endgame, Opening, Advanced
Tactical, and Advanced Checkmate Thinking.
And for complete novices there's First
Lessons in Chess© - the perfect
way to get started.
Unlike printed chess books which are often
too tedious for kids to follow, the fully
interactive Chess Workouts are totally engrossing.
Users move the pieces on screen to solve
problems, while engaging text explanations
make the game come alive and provide students
with instant feedback on their thinking.
Students are rewarded with 'Workout
Points' for their effort and knowledge as
they move through each tutorial, learning
their way up our Thinking Belt ladder until
they've achieved a Black Belt - in Thinking!
The Think Like A King system even allows
work at home to be reported back to the
coach if your school has a chess club.
The Workouts are like having a private
chess coach available anytime, anywhere
ready to explain even the most complex ideas
in a simple and engaging format. In fact,
these may be the first chess 'books' that
most kids read 'cover to cover'.
The Chess Workouts©:
They take the work out of learning chess.